Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Exams, cupcakes and a jacket

Now I have been studying for my chemistry test on Friday and Latin test tomorrow. Gonna take a shower, study some more and then sleeep! I just remembered that I have gym tomorrow, kill me... But in anatomy we are starting with muscles in the lab tomorrow, I don't know if I should be frightened and grossed out or just interested and amazed..
HIKI, the day before the exam (Monday)
Sitting and eating lunch while waiting for the teacher to post our exam results! (Tuesday)

The board, dam dam daaa. I passed by the way!!!

Bought a new jacket as a reward (I actually needed one anyways)

Bought pic-me-up cupcakes for the people who didn't pass

This was today's biophysics, draw and explain how my home in Sweden looks.

Alexandra and Elin!!

It was really nice weather today yaaay


  1. ammagaaad, vad fin jacka äckel!!!!!!!! awesome, du är ett äckel. ok?

  2. tack!!! Du är en fis och ska komma ich hälsa på mig i vår!!!!
