Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hand down Ninja's throat x2

We were just on a doggy date/movie night in Mumindalen (aka Alex), left Daisy with Katarinah for tonight! Seemed a little lonely walking home without her but I had my troubles with Ninja to think about instead. First she finds a bird skeleton without me noticing so I end up with my hand all the way down her throat trying to get all of the bones and feathers out. Then I have to walk home with Ninjas saliva all over my hand. Finally home thinking yes time for bed when I hear Ninja eating something again, she found my candy bowl, with licorice for humans not dogs! So once again I had my hand down her throat, yippie.

Bonus: I looked real sexy walking home in my gym shoes, big parkas jacket, Luse-kofta, reflex vest matching the dog. It's the new look!

Just the other day it was 16 degrees Celcius and sun all day,
Today it was SNOWING!!! Poland is super weird...

While eating dinner I watched Vampire diaries on the projector!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I live in the building on the left!



An old traintrack

The bmx park yesterday, people are starting to ride their bikes now that it is nice weather!

Friday, eating icecream!

Short update

Sitting in my bed studying a little while Ninja and Daisy are going crazy playing. I have some pics to upload from previous days, just have to find my phone first!

Yesterday Henri, Ida, Aidín and I went to the movies, Hunger games. It was a real good movie I think! Before that Henri and I sat at our new favorite cafe and studied.

Spring is finally coming to Warsaw and I am just getting more and more sick (pollen allergy) yaay!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bmx park

Today I passed the exam we had and found a bmx park while walking the dogs. After climbing the hill to the top I saw a field where people go with their dogs, perfect! Even Daisy who usually doesn't like running on a leach went a little crazy and ran in gallop along with me and Ninja.
Henri found a new café, now our favorite hang-out.
It doesn't feel like we're in Poland when in here!

Why the pastel colors?!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


8.30-17.45 day today. Had to clean the apartment when I came home, then I took the dogs for a jog to get some spices and stuff I left at Henri and company. When I arrived back home I did some easy exercises and now I am going to jump in the bath and study for tomorrows exam!
Running for 45min, sit ups with a twist, push up with twist + some more exercises

Ninja is finally a little tired and not just sleeping because she is bored! 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rape in Sweden- A piece of cake

It is so sick. There are people who have immigrated to Sweden; a modest, good country, with mostly good harmless people; and take advantage of the trust and safety we have built up. They have raped and mistreated women more than once, they get caught, but what happens; They get a "get out of jail free card" without any more punishment than a few years in a prison which has high standard than the schools and most peoples home. They can even stay here in Sweden, they should be deported to their own countries. Sweden is a real shit country when it comes to this type of politics. I have nothing against immigrants; my dad comes from the US. I do have a problem with those who take advantage of our country's policies and I do have a problem with Sweden. The politicians are so afraid of looking rasist so they even do what iswrong to prove that they are not. That is shit because it has nothing to do with racism.

Some articles in swedish which got me really frustraded with this country.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Now I am laying on my bed with lit candles, a cup of tee and Ninja laying on her back next to me just like the day she became mine.

We had had her for one day, it was night but I was still up. I herd her screeching all the way into my room from my parents, I felt bad so I went and got her. I put her up in the bed with me and she fella sleep between my body and arm while I was typing on the computer. She slept for 2 hours straight and the next night I did the same and she fell asleep the same way again.

Classy, she just farted and it smells horrific!
This dog really gets away with everything! 

happy st. patrick's day

Yesterday was St. Patrick's day!! Happy St. Patrick's day a little late.

Yesterday was celebrated at Tortilla factory, a bar, and it was a super night! Everyone was happy and we all had superfun. Went home early though because of the dogs :)

It was 18 degrees celcius yesterday and today too, it has been so lovely with the nice weather but tomorrow its supposed to sink to 10 degrees again.
Today started out with the market outside of my house (on Saturdays and Sundays) with Katarina, Elin and Elin. Bought some food and fruit, we found a pair of nice rubber boots to that I was thinking of buying. Then we went for a short walk in the field and sat down there watching the dogs run around playing.

Sun, strawberries, grapes, orange and watching a series on the balcony! 

Ordered a supergoooood pizza and a not so good lasanga too.
The pizza has artichoke, parma ham and sundried tomatoes, yummy!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Today was a short day in school. Its been really nice weather and tomorrow+Sunday it is supposed to be 18 degrees Celsius. Awesome! So tomorrow it we are going to walk the dogs and have a picnic.

Went for a 1 ½ hour walk today with the dog crew.
Yesterday at the field by the school

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Supercool skeletons!

Sitting reading for the biochem lab tomorrow, not so fun and I do not understand a thing I am reading!
Today I passed the anatomy respiratory practical exam and got to see the schools little museum (it was AWESOME). They had an extremely long Boa skeleton, an elephant head, a tooth from a mammoth, a giraff skeleton, a vertebra from a blue wale, and so on... Super-cool!

 The rest of the day has just been exhausting. Before the lecture we had from 2pm to 6pm (I left at 5 because the dogs where getting restless) Ninja and Marley played on the field for 15-20 minutes nonstop. They are the perfect couple!
Elephant trunk (a part of it), Elephant penis and Elephant Kidney

Bison and Elin!

Camel and Giraff

Elephant head!

Blue wale vertebra

Me and my new pet; Giraff!

The mammoth tooth!

Henry on the Wale vertebra aka "The wishing bone"

Reaching for one of the mysterious black boxes!!

Just FYI my phone is f*cked-up, it turns of ALL the time, but sometimes (like now) it is on but the screen turns off. It is a touchscreen so fun not to be able to do anything. I do not recommend Samsung Galaxy S Plus.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Voff Voff

Dropped the leach of Daisy today, not a smart move. She ran in attack mode towards a dog, the dog jumped up in the owners arms so Daisy couldn't hurt it. I caught Daisy, said sorry a thousand times to the girl but she was very understanding and said it was fine, Thank god for that! Here in Poland you have to make the dog wear a muzzle all the time if it bites another dog or person once. 

Otherwise nothing special has been going on, have an exam tomorrow so studying for that now. 

The dogs weren't supposed to be in the furniture, but yeah that plan didn't work out to well. They don't jump up in the bed or sofa during the day when I am home for most of the time, but when I am gone or when it is sleppy-time the jump right in there!

Dogs are the new "boyfriends" 

Monday, March 12, 2012

New apartment!!

Mom and Derek arrived with Ninja and Daisy on Wednesday and they have helped me with moving in in the new apartment. I have missed them so it has been fun to have them here, but they leave tomorrow.

BEST STREET!! Winnie the pooh<3

First home cooked meal!

Still messy...

The dogs are sleeping next to me while I study
I may have broken Ninja's paw by opening the door on it, we were supposed to go to the vets today anyway so perfect day to do it hahaha....