Saturday, June 29, 2013

Frustrated dog owner

Holy crap, I really had luck on my side! I passed Physiology, Microbiology and Anatomy finals! No more!!

Now I am crazy studying for immunology final on Tuesday. Daisy is not to happy about it, she doesn't think she gets enough attention.

I got very frustrated today, and do almost everyday here in Poland. Most people have their dogs loose even if they do not have any control over them. Today I was walking with Daisy and all of the sudden I hear crazy barking, turn around and see 3 Yorkies charging us. It doesn't freaking matter if your dog is small or big, if it is aggressive it is! The worst thing is when I am keeping them away the owners always react like "it's fine, just let them say hello/sniff each other", HELL TO THE NO. I have an insecure dog, and so do you, not a good idea to start a fight

Of course there are good dog owners here too, but it isn't to often you find them who actually understand their dogs body language. Just last week I was out walking and a girl shouts and askes me if she should leach her dog, so I yes, please. That little question made my day, I was so happy that someone actually cared to ask my "opinion" (kind of).

Colored my outgrowth yesterday. Got tired of my rat colored hair haha.
I am going to cut my hair on Monday, bam bam baaaaa. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Wrote the final in Physiology a few hours ago, now it is time to study for the immunology test 3 retake, which is tomorrow. Then on Friday we have anatomy final and microbiology oral final.

Daisy has gotten all her energy back and we are starting with walks again, now we can take a medium long walk (she becomes a little flustered though). I let her loose on a field today and she went crazy and ran some laps.

The wound looks great now, still some bulges with fibrin inside which hopefully will go away in time.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Not many exams to go, our last is hopefully 2 July. Lisen comes to visit me 1-5 July, and I leave for Sweden with Daisy 9 July.

I saw a silverfish today so it was time to clean, not even half-way through I quit cleaning and started reorganizing the furniture. Daisy was not happy! So now my apartment is fresh and rearranged. It turned out with 4 full trash bags and lots of recycling.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Daisy update

I feel real bad for Daisy. She is still not healed, I just got all of the dead tissue of a few days ago and it still apparently hurts but she doesn't get pain meds any longer. The healing process is on the right track now anyway.

We started taking walks on Saturday, but after not walking at all for 11 days she couldn't handle a longer short walk. So we are walking shorter walks everyday and trying to walk just a little further everyday. It is probably good for her immune system and the healing to get some exercise. (or I know it is because I am reading immunology)


Sorry for not updating, have had a lot on my mind!

Only 2 weeks left in school and everyone is already dying or giving up (incl. me) and the hardest exams hasn't come yet.

Microbiology final practical  (tomorrow)
Microbiology final oral (28/6)
Topographical anatomy final (dog/horse/cow) (28/6)
Physiology final (26/6)
Immunology final (2/6)
(Maybe Immunology test 3 retake, do not know the results yet)
+ Physiology of exercise retake (September)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Crazy weeks/Injections

Crazy exam week has started. Did 2 today: Immunology exam 3 and polish written. I have no clue how I did on the immunology but I aced the polish, score!

Tomorrow is the final in Physiology of exercise, on Wednesday is the oral polish exam, on Thursday we have avian seminars in physiology and lastly on Friday we have the worst exam so far: Microbiology exam 6.

I go to the clinic every day with Daisy, I couldn't today though so I just went by and got the injections. I have small towels, hot water, iodine, antiseptics and compresses to clean her wound, which I do 3 times a day. She gets Synulox as antibiotic now and Metacam as painkiller.
Other medications she has gotten during are:
And another polish one I which I cannot tell what the name says.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Arm in poo-hole


Today there has been many polish conversations. First when I took out Daisy in the morning and a man started speaking to me in polish, I told him I do not speak polish but he insisted that I do. So a lot of back and forth about that, then he kissed my hand, tried to get my number, took off my sunglasses and thank god Daisy is sick because then I had a reason to run haha. 

Then I was buying eggs at the market and they started speaking to me and trying to convince me to buy everything else and then we ended up speaking about my school... I am learning polish at least haha. 

There has also been many asking what is wrong with Daisy, very hard to explain when I have no clue what complications with a mammary gland removal operation is in polish.
Pic from the LMFAO party.

End of the year vet ball

My rocks<3


It has been a hard week.
On Tuesday Daisy had her operation and I thought I was just being silly but had a gut feeling from the beginning that something was wrong, and it was. She had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics or stitches and everything got stiff and swollen. It has been chaotic going back and forth, seeing Daisy suffer and yesterday I had enough and had a bit of a breakdown and then got super-determined to make them listen to me. So now she has a new antibiotic and I have to go there everyday until it is healed for watch and medication. At least 2 good things came out of this: I am not scared to stand against the vet if I believe it is right and I know how it is supposed to look and how it is not.

I do not have a picture of the wound but it looks brutal.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Mammary gland removal. 4&5 on the right side. 


I am such a dog-o-chondriac, in the last 24h I have been to the clinic 3 times. I attended the operation, it is fun to actually see what I will (hopefully) be working with in the future.
First time was the operation, second was a few hours after when she was cold as ice and still bleeding, third was now when she started twitching a bit and got a low fever.
They probably think I know everything about recovering after an operation so they forgot to tell me that it is normal after such a big operation to become very cold after the anesthesia wears off.
She was fine both of the latter times and I feel a little ashamed that I come there so often haha, but they said it is good that I come if I worry.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cancer scare

Today Daisy was so happy. We were out for a walk with Fox and Jessica and we met so many puppies on the way, so D was playing and swimming in the pond. 

I am a bit worried about her now though, I wasn't that panicked about the cancer because I went through it in the fall, but then she didn't lose any weight. Now you can see really clearly that she has lost weight, even though we are walking the same amount and she get the same dosage of food. So I have increased it a bit now. 

I am observing the operation on Tuesday and thought it would be interesting, but now I am starting to have my doubts. What if there are complications? What if the cancer has spread? What if there are more problems? What if they have to euthanize her on the spot? and I am standing there right next to her.