Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I PASSED MY LAST EXAM!! I am so happy right now, this is crazy!! I passed it yaaaay.
So now I have completed 3 semesters of veterinary studies, only 8 to go!

I don't need to study now for a month!! I am going home for a week in a week and then Julia is coming with me back here!

Friday, January 25, 2013


Passed my comparative anatomy exam this morning!! Only one exam to go and that is biochemistry final. It is too much material to go through in 3 ½ days so I printed out old exam questions which I am going to find the answer to and hope for the best!! Okay I'll still go through some vitamins and metabolic pathways too.

I feel bad for Daisy because I am gone all day and when I come home we go for a long walk and then I sit down and study. So I don't really have time for her at the moment, but after Tuesday's exam (if I pass) she will have me present aaaaall day. After Tuesday I am going to rest and watch lots of movies!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Sorry for looking like a zomby and yeah...
Wanted to recommend an AWESOME training app. Started with it yesterday after a friend recommended it and I can barely walk haha.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


It was Henri's birthday yesterday so we celebrated by ice-skating and some drinks, she came over today and we watched a movie and ate dinner. 
James, Henri and Coco T-rexing
Daisy sleeping comfortably while we were watching a movie 

Sean, Coco and I from celebrating Paudie's B-day
Paudie the day after...
It is getting real snowy here, it has become very cold and it snow constantly.

I broke my screen on my laptop somehow so now I have to use the projector as screen instead hehe. 
If I didn't mention it before Julia(bff)is coming to visit me in Poland in February and hopefully Linn(my other bff) is coming the week after!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm going home

Yay booked a flight home for February, just a week though. Julia might come to visit me the day after I come back and then Linn a week after that. FINALLY some visits from friends.
Just have to be a good student now and pass everything so I don't have retakes during the time off!

I have been superduper lazy today, so at the moment I am trying to be good and making flashcards for anatomy. Tomorrow is Henri's birthday so I have to bake super many cupcakes and make a cake from them.
old pic

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Something unbelievable, at least for me, just happened. Usually at this time no one is out because it is late so I didn't have Daisy on a leach, she was running around playing with herself and then she bolts (Of course...), I don't even call after her because I don't see any use when she doesn't listen anyway. So I come around the corner and see her playing with herself on the miniature field and along comes another dog running towards her and instead of her freaking out and chasing the other dog she starts to play like crazy. This dog is a small and they usually (even her friends here and home) does not like it when she plays because she is too brutal, but this dog keeps playing with her and after a short while I call Daisy and the other girl calls her dog and Daisy comes right back to me. At least mom and dad will understand the greatness of this when they read it.

Daisy update

Daisy is my sunshine, she becomes more and more fun everyday. She goes crazy in the snow and she seems so happy. I said earlier that she doesn't play with people and not to much with other dogs, but she started playing more with dogs after the surgery and now she plays out in the snow with me everyday.

For anyone wondering she is healthy and lives a great life at the moment. Her days: Wake up, go a walk around the house, back to bed and sleep, I come home-Long walk, food, petted and cosying, medium walk, sleep or play, short walk and then bed.


Passed my microbiology exam woop woop. Only epidemiology, animal techniques, comparative anatomy, biochemistry left; all finals... I think that's all!
Yesterday I was at a surprise birthday party, we don't really have time for parties and clubbing, and usually I think it isn't to fun, but I had really needed it. It was so fun, we all danced like crazy and I don't regret going out.
Tired after school, study study study....

Monday, January 14, 2013

Man eating trash

I am dyyyying. GAWD. Had an exam today, even if it was multiple choice everyone seems to think they are screwed hahaha. Tomorrow we have a microbiology exam, it is SO MUCH. So many bacterias, which all are similar but still superdifferent. I won't get much sleep tonight.
HAHA Ida sang a song from south park to SIRI andf she interpretted it like this and sent it to me. 
A daily dose of Daisy!
A man eating out of the trash on the bus towards the library..

It is a very raw type of cold outside even if is just around 4-7 degrees Celcius, so you get super red in your face haha!
Out walking Daisy with Ida yesterday and we stumbled upon a car show/gathering. 
They had a monstertruck and other types of cars.
This sucks!!

Friday, January 11, 2013


Weird way of fencing...
The snow patrol is out again!
Every 2 meters there's a person sweeping snow

Agility Daisy!

The only dog in Warsaw wearing a reflective vest. I don't have the energy to teach her a new trick so we are just improving the old ones.

Happy Daisy

Daisy has been so happy today. She played, actually played with me for about a minute, which she doesn't do, she only invites to play and when you try she looks at you weird. We did some "agility" too,  she is a good dog when she doesn't have a pack around haha. 
Used my wrist thingies grandma made for me!
Snows during the night and rains during the day, soo unmotivating weather.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

rotten meat

Now the fridge is stinking rotten meat! There is NO meat there! I am cleaning out stuff every time I open it and I cannot for the life of me figure out what is smelling. So tomorrow I'll have to clean out everything and scrub it!

Yesterday a gang went ice-skating, I wanted to come with but I was so exhausted for some reason so I went to bed and was cosying with Daisy instead.

Pet pet on Daisy

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


We live our lives here in Poland, studying, partying, having dinners and movie-nights. Friends here aren't like friends at home, whom I still love, we are more of a family here. We only have each other, we understand the stress (like no one that isn't here does) and we have fun. I become so happy when I see everyone after a break because I have missed them, but at the same time it hurts to see them sad everyday. You see through many of the people here, they smile and act like everything is okay but they are sad and depressed in their lonesomeness; missing home, missing family and opportunities. Many say they cry almost everytime they leave their home country, I can't bare to do that, I want a short and simple goodbye, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay here, it is too hard. 

BUT we have amazing times here, memories and friend I wouldn't change for the life of me! I just hope it gets easier sometime. I hope that we have make an impact on the school at least in some way when we graduate so that new students won't have to bear the same pressure and their biggest problem is missing home. 

Hahah depressing post. Oh well, I am trying to studying biochem, it makes you go crazy! 
Daisy is sooo fashionable
A cat? or human? maybe a rat? dog?
I cooked a stew yesterday and it became AWESOME so I could eat it cold for lunch. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Daisy dancing

Hahah the horrible week before going home, with lots of exams! I have worse videos when I am "sleep-dancing". I'll post that another day. Daisy was not happy here.


I hate my toilet. The toilet seat doesn't seem to be removable so I can't bath it in clorine, so for some reason it smells like pee (it has on and off since I moved in) and I wash it aaaalll the time and it doesn't help. I tried to find manual for it on the internet, but nothing, only pics of what you can and cannot do.
Oh well...

I have told most people that I might come home for almost the whole of February if I pass all my exams, and I would love to be home for that long but.. It is to stressful for Daisy and to expensive to fly back and forth so often. I might come home a week if I find a dog-sitter though. Otherwise you will just have to come visit me instead!
Pic from last week, when still in Sweden
Today I have been out with the gang (Daisy, the pugs, Doris and Kawa + owners), everyone said Daisy looked so good and healthy; both because she is shaved and fit. Back home in Sweden mom and dad took her out in the forest a couple of times a week, so Daisy and Fenris went coco together trying to find things to hunt. So she is in great shape anyway and I intend to keep her that way!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My apartment!

I went for a walk with Elin and Doris at 15, and I was so proud because just in a few days being back here she has become obedient again! She bolted away when there was a dog about 100m away from us, neither me nor Elin could see it because there was a hill infront of us. I called Daisy maybe twice and she stopped, barked 2 times and came back (usually she attacks the person or provokes the dog).
Pretty Daisy! She is shaved, before she had kind of long hair. 
Since then I have been cleaning the apartment and studying with Henri. Now it is time for a chapter of my awesome book and then its off to bed.

Pics of my apartment up on request!
I have started to despise the green, I want to paint it but I don't have time!

The trip back!

My trip home was interesting, or maybe I should say Daisy's... Got up at 4.30 in the morning, mom drove me to the airport and helped me with everything. Left Daisy and got on the plane. On the plane from Copenhagen I fell half asleep many times and woke up with mascara aaaalll over my face, not so pretty, but I was to tired to fix it so I just took the worst off and looked like shit. After landing I couldn't find where I was supposed to pick Daisy up so I wandered around, finally I found her. I opened the crate and out comes a Daisy fuuulll of diarrhea and pee. So I take my bags and Daisy to the toilet, wipe her of as much as possible (still covered in poop though). Found a cab that takes dogs, warn them before they lift the cage to be careful because she has eehmm... peed in it. They  seem skeptical but drive me home, Daisy sits on my feet all the way home. I was her off at home and head for school, with poop on my shoes. Thank god I noticed it before we started class.

I come home, take Daisy for a walk and then I scrub the crate. Oh. My. God. I was on the verge of puking maaaany times. I have never seen so much dog poop, and it was EVERYWHERE. Horrific.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The day's update!

Sitting watching private practice at the moment, studying slowly at the same time. I am gonna try to update at least once a week from now on! If anyone has my name on quizkampen and snapchat is isabellt, add me!!
Oh yes indeed!
I am gonna try to be good and keep my healthy diet now during the exam period!
I have atopic eczema and it erupts when I am superstressed, because of dry air or deficiencies. It burst out the first week back and I still have it. It's not contagious nut it hurts because it is a open wound, and it doesn't do you good on the self-esteem either.  

Poop and Mr. Mold

7h before I was supposed to board the flight to Warsaw i started baking gingersnaps hehe.
This is a baaaad memory. Daisy had gotten food the night before and pooped diarhea aaaaalll over the cage, I was chocked how it was everywhere and sooo much. After removing the felt I almost puked all over it.
Daisy on our walk today
Demon dog haha
Hello, I am Mr. Mold and welcome home to Warsaw.
I was lucky to get a cab so I could get home but Daisy sat on my foot and before going to school I forgot to wash my shoe haha.
I love the book I got for Christmas, it is kind of scary and thrilling!
I got a muffin maker too, it was AWESOME!! and a pair of warm sheepskin gloves.

Pic update

Was good one day during the break at least and studied!
Hard to walk on sheath ice!
Fenris being cosy in the bed with mom!
Anders and Julia, so cute.
Jennie, Daverix and Linus!