Thursday, January 19, 2012

Trying to stay awake

I am jumping around Henri c/o trying to stay awake for a while longer, have to study some chemistry before the exam. I passed the practical anatomy of circulatory system today and got a 5 in polish (yaay, but that class isn't so hard YET). 
Batman pooped on the carpet hahah!
The whole copy/printing "store" laughed at me today. We had written presentations for Polish class that we were going to read out loud and I don't have a printer so went down with Henri to the store to print it. For once we had a document that was in polish so OF COURSE they were going to read it... Before he was going to print it he came up and asked if I wanted it corrected and I said Sure! But while he was correcting it he called his colleague and read it to him and then they started laughing and they people in line did too. I wrote some strange stuff like "My favorite candy is salt licorice, but they do not have that in Poland. So instead I eat pretzels"  and "I like to eat pasta and potato dishes" .... "My favorite drink is Swedish water, because it tastes so fresh and clean". I am not so surprised that they laughed....


  1. Skratta bäst skratta sist, vi har iaf inte slavisk lugg/dreads i nacken och 90-talsjeans över naveln.
