Thursday, April 24, 2014

Daisy update

Written a Pharmacology seminar (my part at least), made notes for "From symptoms to diagnosis"-exam, gone to class and to the vet, sat outside in the sun reading a magazine. That is what I have done these last days and it feels amazing, I don't want to get back to the stressful reality of vet school!

Daisy update: She had been acting a bit strange lately. I had a cardiologist (our teacher whom I asked for help), a dermatologist and one of our other teachers (whom is a great veterinarian). They were all discussing her symptoms (Itching, sitting down rapidly, twitching ears, cleaning herself more than usual, distinct smell, stomping her leg while itching and cleaning herself, weight loss). Finally they felt her anal glands, they did not feel impacted but decided to do a rectal exam anyway. They were apparently very deep situated and impacted so he emptied them (even if she has never needed that before), and now we are hoping for the symptoms to go away. The only strange thing is that she has lost 1 kg in a month, but it might just be because of the weather and exercise. I am now giving her zinc supplements for her coat (she has scaly skin/dandruff) and double the amount of food. Oh and tomorrow I'll be doing a fecal examination just to be sure there are no parasites involved.

It is great that I have contact with so many vets now (A cardiologist, dermatologist, reproduction specialist, small animal specialist) but at the same time I feel ashamed because that means my dog is sick. Well she isn't really, many times I have just taken her so they can use her in class because she is the model dog to train on. It is a plus for my future career though haha. 

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