Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Maximum pulse
Yesterday I had polish and today I went into town to meet Emelie. After meeting Emelie I went and got my shoes from the shoemaker and then I met grandma at the tramstop.
It is horrible at home because after we renovated the attic there has been a spider invasion. I have reached my maximum pulse almost everyday by seeing and having to kill spiders the last week!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
3 birthday party's in three days!
I have had a great weekend! On Friday it was Julia's birthday so we went out fishing with some friends and on Saturday we celebrated another friend that had his birthday on Thursday with a "crayfish party" (I do not know what it is called in English.). Today I did a lot of fun things; I bought new wineglasses, went to a third birthday party for Kajsa who also had her birthday on Friday, then I went to grandma and grandpa and ate dinner, and for the finale I picked Elsa up in Mölndal and we went home to Mia where we watched The lion king, ate candy and popcorn, and were totally awesome.
Here is a pic of Elsa, Mia and I. I'll post some pictures from this weekend tomorrow if I have time.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I realized today that I am addicted to vinegar, especially balsamic vinegar. Right now I am sitting and eating tomatoes and parmesan with balsamic vinegar (It tastes sooo good).
Took my bike to the lake with Ärtan. The little hill I go to whenever it is good weather is the perfect little place, it is really beautiful and peaceful. When you are sitting there you forget everything and you are just living in the moment.
Took my bike to the lake with Ärtan. The little hill I go to whenever it is good weather is the perfect little place, it is really beautiful and peaceful. When you are sitting there you forget everything and you are just living in the moment.
Nie mówię po polsku.
Today I had polish, tomorrow I'll be taking my third rabies vaccination.
Work like you do not need the money.
Love like you never have been hurt.
Dance like nobody is watching.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Ninja is a terrorist
Not long ago I woke up because I had a dog, who had stole a sock, in my bed. In about 6 months she will move down to me and be mine!<3
After work yesterday I got some products (Dad fixed them for me); 2 glass vases with lids where you could put candles and 2 glolite with batteries.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Strippers and bad singers
This weekend I worked at Svenska Mässan again, on a conference for Party Lite. They had hired the worst band ever, they sang false and did not know the lyrics. They sang like me, and people do NOT like when I sing... The dancers were not much better (I could dance better than them and I do not have any coordination), they danced as male strippers, bad strippers! Hahah AND one of the hosts had the worst high pitch voice that no one could listen to, thank god we were wearing headphones.
This is how fun I had today
Here they were singing good and that is just because they were over powered by the real song.
Here is a little example of how they were dancing.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Mys vid rådasjön och gunneboslott
Satt vid sjön och läste ett tag idag.
Sen cyklade jag vidare mot Vällsjön vilket ledde till att jag cyklade till Gunnebo Slott och satte mig där en stund med min bok.
Sen cyklade jag till Pixbo för att bege mig hem igen!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Way Out West is officially over!
I was called back in at 13 o'clock on Thursday and worked until 23.15. It was very stressful because I was buying interior for Prince's lounge.
When I got home I had to wait for a call from my supervisor so she could tell me when I started the next morning, at 1 am I got a text that I had a pic-up at Mornington hotel at 5.45. When I got there i waited for over an hour before I found out that someone had told them to take a cab. So I drove to site and worked until 00.45.
I was supposed to be the runner for Kanye at 03.00 but because I worked such a long day I had to go home and sleep. On Saturday I was runner for Pulp instead, they did not need much so I was just walking around the festival area until 03.00 Saturday night/Sunday morning.
Today I started at 11.00 but they sent me home at 13.00 which was awesome because I am so tired. At 17 I left the car at the shop and now I am getting ready to go out with some friends.
I was standing back-stage waiting for Kanye's last song to end so I could film the fireworks but the last song was almost 20 minutes long and the only thing he did was sing baby haha. When the fireworks actually went off I almost dropped my phone and accedentially filmed this.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
All access at Way Out West.
Today until Saturday I am working at Way Out West, as runner.
I got the car at 8 am and just came home, but I am driving back around 4 pm. Today I am only on call because I got the horrible shift, 03.00 Friday night/Saturday morning. The worst thing is that i am working during the day on Friday too. I hope I get some sleep so I do not kill anyone hehe.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Hobos and illegal driving
I am going to start writing in English a little so my relatives can read it to.

Yesterday I drove down to the garage to fix the car, while waiting mom joined me and I got called in to work for Iscen. We layed carpet for 4 ½ hours but there were cars parked in the way for us to finish so that way today's task.
After work I drove home to Victoria, where Caroline was visting. We ate chocolate, watched Solsidan and Lion king 3 and because I had to work the next day I had to get home but we got stuck under the night sky. We laid there for 1 h before I really had to leave, it was amazing. I saw 3 shooting stars! Then it was time to say goodbye, Victoria is moving up to Luleå on Friday so it felt strange saying goodbye to her for real. I am going to miss her so much!
Out in the garden with blankets, very many sweatshirts and the stars as our view.
Today we put down the rest of the floor (4000 m^2), built walls, put out chairs and tables, and so on. I got to drive a forklift, scissorlift and a kind of transport car thingy. I do not have a license for any of them but drove them all hehe. The forklift was the most fun.
The floor was done so it was time for the walls to come out.

Forklift and "flakmoped"

Scissorlift in the background

Monday, August 8, 2011
Femtio-elva knottbett senare
Igår gick något i motorn på ena bilen sönder så imorgon ska jag köra in den till verkstaden 08.00 så att jag kan köra hem till Victoria innan hon flyttar till Luleå.
Var ute och gick med Ninja och självklart gick jag på fel sida av sjön där alla knottsvärmar var och när jag nästan var framme vid "mysplatsen" på bergen började det regna. Jag är inte så förtjust i regn men det var faktiskt skönt, duggregn som jagade bort alla knotten!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Bubbelbad och utgång
I fredags var jag hemma hos Emelie och badade bubbelbad, drack vin och åt choklad. Väldigt mysigt!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Mys vid rådasjön
Idag skulle jag ha haft polska lektion men mina föräldrar hade snott båda bilarna så blev lite svårt att ta sig någon vart då. Istället cyklade jag till biblioteket och lånade en bok, sen cyklade Julia och jag till sjön. Där läste och badade vi, vi pratade lite med ankorna också!

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