Saturday, June 29, 2013

Frustrated dog owner

Holy crap, I really had luck on my side! I passed Physiology, Microbiology and Anatomy finals! No more!!

Now I am crazy studying for immunology final on Tuesday. Daisy is not to happy about it, she doesn't think she gets enough attention.

I got very frustrated today, and do almost everyday here in Poland. Most people have their dogs loose even if they do not have any control over them. Today I was walking with Daisy and all of the sudden I hear crazy barking, turn around and see 3 Yorkies charging us. It doesn't freaking matter if your dog is small or big, if it is aggressive it is! The worst thing is when I am keeping them away the owners always react like "it's fine, just let them say hello/sniff each other", HELL TO THE NO. I have an insecure dog, and so do you, not a good idea to start a fight

Of course there are good dog owners here too, but it isn't to often you find them who actually understand their dogs body language. Just last week I was out walking and a girl shouts and askes me if she should leach her dog, so I yes, please. That little question made my day, I was so happy that someone actually cared to ask my "opinion" (kind of).

Colored my outgrowth yesterday. Got tired of my rat colored hair haha.
I am going to cut my hair on Monday, bam bam baaaaa. 

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